Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Up for an argument...

Hello... It's been a while.  Yes, your right, I could have called. I know,..... I'm.... ye....... OK!... well now that the awkwardness is out of the way, how have you been?

So after a brief hiatus, I finally have something else to write.  I have just started two new subjects a week ago, one I love, and one I am beginning to detest.  See if you can guess... The first is creative a professional writing, with an amazing bunch of interesting and creative folk, with whom, I greatly identify.  The other is Curriculum, with a drab, dull bunch of sheep the follow along bleating the same old nonsense they have been bleating for the past 30 years.

My week got off to a shaky start with a "discussion" regarding parking at school drop off on Monday, followed by 5 hrs of fishing with only 1 lousy flathead being caught.  The rest of the week has seen me dealing with curriculum.  I troll up and down the discussion boards looking for unsuspecting victims to berate with my self righteous nonsense, but this is all that is keeping me interested at the moment. 

You may well say, "you are doing a Bachelor of Education, and will have to deal with the curriculum every day" and you would be right.  But to you I say "Shut the Fu..." breathe, Breathe...

So did you guess which subject was my favourite?

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Is it the Curriculum one? I'm right aren't I?

    The carparking and the curriculum, are just the "man's" way of keeping us down, let them have their car parks and their curriculum, doesn't mean we have to live and die by the them, I say park there anyway and teach the curriculum however you want. Be the black sheep, which is where you comfortably sit anyway, and stick it to the curriculum, the car parks, the rain, the wind, and no surf! But remember, take your wins where you can, there's always the carpeted door! What a success that was!
