Wednesday, August 10, 2011

An Online existance

As a full time student, I spend a great deal of time in front of a computer.  I am delighted that now it is a 21" iMac instead of the old 13" macbook, but never the less, i spend more than my fair share of hours in the digital world.  During my wanderings I come across a lot of interesting things that people are doing all over the world.  Some of these are inspiring, others are downright ridiculous, the rest fall somewhere in the middle.

So until further notice I'd like to share some of the interesting ideas, endeavors and randomness that I come across during my online travels.

The First thing I'd like to share is a website that gives me endless hours of enjoyment.  Granted, the humor isn't to everyone's liking (not offensive, just random)

Ze Frank was first noticed when he sent this invitation out for a party he was holding. The invitation went viral.

There is so much stuff on his site that has provided me with inspiration and more than a few laughs.  So I'd just like to pay homage to the man who was Ze...

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