Thursday, June 2, 2011

Baby steps...

So I am slowly figuring out this blogging caper and have found a cheeky little setting that lets everyone comment without having to have a username!  Where it says 'comment as' you can either select anonymous or you can put your name in.  Either way, comment away!


  1. teacher spell check... thoughts, rants and ramblings of AN online student. Smiles to you!

  2. Gee thanks! Aren't you supposed to give encouragement before the critique?

  3. But I don't want to comment...

  4. Well it seems that you have fallen into my sneaky commenting trap!

  5. Damn it! Didn't see that trap coming. Oh well, since I'm here I may as well comment about your blog of the day, but I am struggling to think of a comment to make about your comment findings on here, so my comment is this: No Comment. :)

  6. Enjoying the blog Brett...have started my own this week...still working it out....
